French Horror Movie Trailer: “Fais gaffe”, “Je me casse” & more (with audio)

This clip is a trailer for a French horror movie. The dialogue is extremely hard to understand for non native speakers as it's mostly "suburb slang" - heck Youtube has a real hard time with the captions 🙂 Try to listen to it at slow speed first a couple of times.

- Oh mais c'est quoi tout ça?
- Quoi ça t'intéresse les bestioles?
- Woa mais ça m'intéresse à mort!
- Fais gaffe quand même hein!
- T'inquiète je te dis, moi je suis un pro!
- Je te ramène à la maison? Let's go!
- Comment tu as fait pour pecho ça?
- Toi tu kiffes de dormir avec ça dans ta chambre?
- Non mais tu sais qu'il leur parle!
- T'es pas sérieuse!
- Je te promets meuf.
- T'es où? Tu te caches? T'es où?
- Tu te fous de ma gueule.
- Il a fait un malaise c'est ça?
- Vu sa gueule c'est pas un malaise ça!
- Un truc qui tue aussi rapidement c'est impossible non?
- Ce qu'il avait au bras là, ça vient pas d'une seringue
- Si ça vient pas d'une seringue... Ça vient de quoi alors?
- Vas-y, vas-y...
- Chaud!
- Faut vraiment qu'on se casse là!

English version

  • Oh what's all this?
  • You're interested in critters?
  • You bet I'm interested!
  • Be careful though, OK?
  • Don't worry, I'm telling you, I'm a pro.
  • I'll take you home? Let's go!
  • How did you manage to score that?
  • You dig sleeping with that in your room?
  • But you know he talks to them!
  • You can't be serious!
  • I swear, girl.
  • Where are you? Are you hiding? Where are you?
  • Are you shitting me?
  • He passed out, right?
  • By the looks of it, that's not a seizure!
  • Something that kills so quickly, it's impossible, isn't it?
  • What he had on his arm there, it didn't come from a syringe.
  • If it didn't come from a syringe... then where did it come from?
  • Go on, go on...
  • Intense!
  • We really need to get out of here!

Ça m'intéresse à mort!

Literally, "it interests me to death". The expression "à mort" in French is an informal way to emphasize something strongly.

"Ils se sont éclatés à mort à la fête hier soir."

They had a blast at the party last night.

"J'ai bossé à mort pour en arriver là."

I worked my butt off to get there.

Related: see also "se casser le cul" in this other video

"Tu as aimé le spectacle?"
"Ah oui à mort!"

Did you like the show?
Heck yeah!

Fais gaffe quand même hein?

"Fais gaffe" is informal for "be careful" or "watch out":

"Fais gaffe, ça glisse!"

Careful, it's slippery!

When someone says "fais gaffe quand même hein?", it usually means, "I know you know what you're doing, but be careful anyway OK?"

Fais gaffe quand même à ses griffes!

Watch out for his claws, though!

T'inquiète, je te dis

"T'inquiète" is informal for "don't worry". It's short for "ne t'inquiète pas". In texting, people often use "tkt", short for "t'inquiète".

"Tu es sûr que tu vas y arriver?"
"T'inquiète, j'ai l'habitude"

Are you sure you'll manage?
Don't worry, I'm used to it.

"T'inquiète" can also mean "no worries":

"Excuse moi de t'appeler si tard..."
"non non t'inquiète, je suis réveillé."

Sorry for calling you so late...
No, no worries, I'm awake.


"Pecho" is used in street French to mean "catch" or "get". It's actually "choper" in verlan. Verlan is a street language where the syllables are inverted (so "choper" becomes "pecho"). The word "verlan" itself comes from "l'envers" (reverse).

"Pecho" is used for many different things and situations, for example:

"J'ai pecho un coup de froid"

I caught a cold.

"Il a pecho la cousine de son pote."

He hooked up with his buddy's cousin.

"Comment tu as pecho ça?"

How did you score that?


"Kiffer" is a slang term that can translate to "to dig", "to really like" or "to enjoy." It's borrowed from the Arabic word "kif" which refers to a traditional Moroccan mixture of finely chopped marijuana and tobacco that is smoked. It's similar to hashish but less potent.

"Kif" means "pleasure," "enjoyment," or "fun." It's often used to express a positive feeling or experience.

"Tu sais je te kiffe!"

You know, I dig you / I like you!

"Tu kiffe la life!"

You're having a great time

"Je kiffe de trainer avec mes potes"

I like hanging out with my buddies


In French slang, "meuf" is an informal term for "woman" or "girl." It's similar to "chick" or "gal". The word is Verlan for "femme" (inverted syllables).

"Elle est sympa cette meuf."

This girl is nice.

"Il sort avec une meuf de son boulot."

He's dating a girl from his work.

"Te laisse pas faire, meuf!"

Don't let them push you around, girl!

Tu te fous de ma gueule

Very commonly used. This translates to "You're messing with me!", "You're kidding me!", or "You're shitting me!" in English". It's used when someone is not being serious or is joking in a way that might be seen as disrespectful or incredulous.

It can mean "Are you making fun of me?" or "Are you kidding me?" when someone hasn't delivered something promised or is not taking a situation seriously.

"Non mais tu te fous de ma gueule! On avait dit 150 euros!"

You're kidding me! We agreed on 150 euros!

"Arrête de te foutre de ma gueule et dis-moi la vérité!"

Stop messing with me and tell me the truth!

"Il m'a dit qu'il a gagné un million d'euros à la loterie."
"Tu te fous de ma gueule?"

He told me he won a million euros in the lottery.
Are you kidding me?

Vu sa gueule

"Vu sa gueule..." translates to "Judging by his/her face...". It's often used informally to make a comment based on someone's or something's appearance (it's also used for things).

The word "gueule" is slang for "face" - in formal French, "gueule" is the mouth of an animal.


"Vu sa gueule, il a dû passer une mauvaise nuit."

Judging by his face, he must have had a bad night.

"Vu sa gueule, ça ne doit pas être très bon."

Judging by its appearance, it probably doesn't taste good.

"Vu sa gueule, ça ne va pas être facile à réparer."

Judging by its looks, it's not going to be easy to fix.


"Chaud!" is a slang word used to express that something is intense, difficult, or risky. It can be translated to "tough," "tricky," or "risky".

"Ce parcours est vraiment chaud!"

This course is really tough!

"Ah oui c'est chaud là!"

Oh yeah it's tricky there!

Faut qu'on se casse

This is a colloquial expression that translates to "We need to get out of here" or "We gotta go".

The slang verb "se casser" can also translate to "to take off", to "split!".

"Il est tard, faut qu'on se casse."

It's late, we need to get out of here.

"Ce type est bizarre, je pense qu'il est temps qu'on se casse."

That guy is weird, I think it's time for us to leave.

"Bon, je me casse!"

OK I'm out of here!

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