French phrase: C’est dans la poche !

“C’est Dans la Poche”: This French Phrase Will Instantly Boost Your Confidence!

The French phrase "C'est dans la poche" translates to "It's in the bag", "it's a sure thing", or "we've go this". It’s a casual expression used when you believe something is almost certain to happen or that success is practically guaranteed.

The phrase reflects a relaxed, confident attitude. It says that whatever you're talking about is already under control or almost done.

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It comes from the idea that if you’ve put something in your pocket, you’ve already secured it. So "C’est dans la poche" means that a situation is as good as finished, with no more effort needed.

It’s a way to show confidence e.g. for winning a game, completing a task, or achieving something you’ve worked for.

For example, imagine someone is nervous about an exam they’ve been studying for all week. You know they’re well-prepared, so you say:

"Ne t'inquiète pas, c'est dans la poche."

Don’t worry, you've got this / it's in the bag.

Or let's say you’re watching a soccer game with friends. Your team is winning 3-0 with just a few minutes left on the clock. You turn to your friends and say:

"Avec ce score, c'est dans la poche!"

With this score, it's a done thing!

So you use the phrase in any situation where the outcome seems obvious and victory or success is just around the corner. Here are more examples:

- "Je vais inviter Julie à notre fête ce week-end. J'espère qu'elle dira oui."
- "Elle adore faire la fête, c'est dans la poche."

I’m going to invite Julie to our party this weekend. I hope she says yes.
She loves parties, it’s in the bag.

- "Je vais demander à maman de me prêter sa voiture demain."
- "Si tu lui dis que c'est pour une bonne raison, c'est dans la poche."

- I’m going to ask mom to lend me her car tomorrow.
- If you tell her it’s for a good reason, it’s in the bag.

Alternative phrases

"Ça va le faire:" This translates literally to "It’s going to do it." It means "It’s going to work out" or "It’ll be fine."

"L'affaire est dans le sac:" literally "The deal is in the bag." It's similar to "C'est dans la poche," meaning the situation is secured.

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